The specifics of the different types of automation objects reflects in their:
- nature of the technological processes
- diversity of subobjects and devices included inside the objects
- various action principles of the included devices
- technological interaction and connections between composite units
- synchronization and coordination rules among knots and devices etc.
The different nature of the automation objects is reflected by the SCADA subsystem.
It is described in the off-line Data Base, as also in the Real Time Data Base – RTDB of the system.
The nature of the technological processes is reflected in the corresponded technological software processes.
Both, the RTDB, as also the “technological” software are packed in the SCADA subsystem – TSCADA.
The subsystem can be located on different system levels. He receives information as follows:
- the object description, including the “static” information is coming from the standardized off-line DB
- the process data is coming from the Communication subsystem – TMATIC
- the data requests and commands are coming from the Human Machine Interface – HMI subsystem
TSCADA sends:
- commands to the Communication subsystem – TMATIC
- processed data to the HMI subsystem for visualization
- processed data to the HIS server for archiving
The main functions of the subsystem are:
- to receive information from the Front_End Servers
- to provide plausibility checks
- to arrange the incoming data into the RTDB
- to find out if some state changes or alarms are occurred and to deliver information about those to the appropriate system structures
- to mark all the “incorrect” data objects as “invalid”
- to create new data objects – “logical signals” and “calculated measures”, based on user defined logical or mathematical functions and selected process and/or “logical” data
- to generate the events, appropriate to the detected signal and measures changes
- to activate the internal functions, responsible to process the events and generate new events originated on the results returned from these functions
- to expand the data processing over the objects, associated with the source and create the appropriate new evens
- to activate new functions to process the last generated evens and so on until the occurred object changes are fully processed
- to calculate the new object topology, based on the current object state
- to supply the HMI subsystem with actual process information
- to receive commands and command sequences from the HMI subsystem
- to check the interlocking conditions for their activation, and to inform the operator for the reason of their eventual reject
- to receive operator requests for substitution (manual state changes) of selected elements
- to receive operator requests for priority and access changes about the supervising and control of different objects and devices
- to supervise the request and command execution and to inform the appropriate operator about the results
The TSCADA varieties for the different types of automation objects are:
- TENERGY – for control and supervision of technological processes in energetics
- TRAIL – for control and supervision of technological processes in railway transport
- TINDUSTRY – for control and supervision of technological processes in industry automation