Complex Automated System – CAS


TELECONT has developed Complex Automated System, which supervises and controls various types of automation objects.

See here the summarized CAS structure. 

They could be remote controled and industrial objects. The first type of objects are controled by telemechanical systems and other one by classical Automation Systems.

The remote control objects are mainly infrastructure automation objects like:

  • electrical grids and power substations
  • railway – areas and stations
  • electrical grids and subway stations
  • heat networks
  • gas networks etc.

On the other hand, the classical industrial automation objects (like production lines etc.) are found in:

  • mechanical engineering
  • automobile industry
  • different kind of technological sections and lines in other industries

As can be seen, the control of same automation objects presume the existence and interaction of different process control systems, which impose the building of Complex Automated System – CAS.

All the different types of systems, controlling objects with various technologies, purposes and principles consists of similar solutions and share many common functionalities.

The following commonalities are revealed:

  • the systems work in an industrial environment
  • the systems work in real time regime
  • each automation object consists of various technological devices with or without their own intelligence
  • information from objects goes directly into the system through analog or digital I/O’s or through communication by means of various field buses and protocols
  • the automation objects, as also their subobjects, are described with a large amount of data. The process data changes occur spontaneously and some time in an avalanche manner. In all cases they have to be detected, identified, registered and processed within the defined reaction time of the system – usually about 1 msec.
  • automation object structure is decentralized. They consist of distributed subobjects, measurement- and control devices with- or without own “intelligence”.
  • automation object structure is hierarchical. The objects are grouped by various criteria, as:

                  –  in the power engineering by voltage levels

                  –  in the railway by railway sections and stations

                  –  in the industry by technological sections, lines etc.

  • The control is fulfilled on different levels and each of them has his own Control Station, which is responsible for the appropriate subobjects.
  • The structure of the systems follows the structure of the automation object and is therefore also multi-hierarchical and decentralized.
  • In the frame of the system structure, autonomous systems on local and/or regional level are created, which work in parallel and independently. Thus in case of failure the system, functionalities are reduced but it continues to function.
  • the program system has an Event Driven Architecture – EDA and is based on parallel processes
  • the control, process and archive of data – the Data Management, in on-line is done by decentralized Real Time Data Base – RTDB
  • the communication in the system is organized on parallel processes and physical and/or logical “point to point” topology. The communication processes run in parallel and independent of each other. Possibilities for duplication and/or creating of new communication routes are provided.


The common CAS functions are:

  • collect of process information and send commands through digital and analog I/O’s
  • collect of process information from and send data query or commands to Intelligent Electronic Devices – IED by means of field buses found inside objects
  • primary data processing and validation of incoming signals, measures etc.
  • create “logical“ signals or “calculated” measure, based on different logical and mathematical formulas performed on selected process informations
  • command’s execution checking by received object’s feedback information
  • data transfer through all hierarchy levels across the system by development of communication processes, using different environments, networks and protocols
  • visualize the technological processes and carry out operators’ dialogue
  • create, edit, format and filter archives and protocols about operator manipulations and process- and system events
  • control and priority setting and distribution among all working places inside the system


The common system solutions of the TELECONT’s CAS are:

  • the RTU – a computer for data- acquisition and processing
  • communication subsystem
  • subsystem for visualization and operator dialogue

They are based on the following technological solutions:

  • real time software design
  • Real Time Data Base – RTDB
  • communication etc.

The common functions are collected in libraries.


The automation object specifics is reflected in:

  • the information models – Real Time Data Base, where the statics and dynamics as also the specific properties and technological interactions are described
  • the technological functions – all programmable modules, responsible for the specific functions of object
  • The visualization (graphical and table) package for the display of technological processes and operator’s dialog