The system is used for supervision and control in the Railway Transport.

The main applications here are:

  • Supervision and control of the power supply network and
  • Supervision and control of the train traffic – Centralized Traffic Control – CTC.


Supervision and control system of the power supply network for the railway tracks

This is a common energetic system because it has the same properties as the electric power distribution system – System Requirements. It controls and manages the electric power distribution for the railway with:

  • 110/27,5 kV substations
  • electrical substations
  • the intermediated and station recloser etc.

There is always an RTU installed in each railway- and power substation, which is responsible for:

  • acquiring of the technological information from within the object
  • plausibility check of the incoming information
  • primary data processing
  • sending data to the Control Center

Contrary to the energetic systems, both the substation schema as well as the track diagram of the raiway station are shown.

Through the data exchange between the systems, the power supply of the track sections can be supervised.


Centralized Traffic Control System

The system is used for remote supervision and control of railway traffic on a given rail line/region.

Its underlying objects are signaling and interlocking devices, installed on the rail- road and stations to guarantee the safe train passage. Inside the railway stations, these are the interlocking systems which control and manage:

  • railroad switches
  • signals
  • isolated railroads
  • other signaling devices

In between railway stations these are Automated Blocking System – ABS, axle counter, cross level devices etc.

On a local level in the railway station the Central Relay Interlocking – CRI, resp. the Electronic Interlocking – EI are installed. They are used to supervise and control the switches, signals etc., as also to build train routes inside the railway station, preventing the occurrence of conflict situations.


The CTC System is build over EI interlocking and railroad devices. Using its RTUs installed on the railway stations, where information also comes from railroad devices of the interstation sections, the system collects technological information from the whole technological section and concentrates it into the Control center of the system.

There the information is processed and analyzed as a whole. By using it, commands or a command sequences are generated and send to the appropriate railway station to set a new routes or remove old one.

The commands are delivered to the stations and then by means of the local CRI/EI are executed on the addressed devices (e.g. by railroad switches, signals etc.).


The main functions of the system are to:

  • acquiring the technological information from objects
  • plausibility check of the information and primary data processing
  • send information to the Control Center of the system
  • process and analyze the data received by the objects
  • determination the status of the devices on railway stations
  • determine the trains location on the track
  • find out any time deviations from the schedule
  • build train graph
  • calculate current line topology on the railway stations
  • defining the actual requirements for routes setting
  • check for conflicts
  • generating and sending route commands to the railway stations
  • receiving the signals about the status of the corresponding devices from the track
  • supervise the command execution
  • perform a new calculation of the current track topology based on the new device status
  • visualize the current state of train stations and its devices including switches, signals, isolated tracks, routes, location of trains, train deviation from schedule etc.
  • logging and archiving:

                  –  the status changes of the railway devices

                  –  the dispatcher actions

                  –  the occurred alarms etc.


The system could set routes on:

  • operators request for single routes inside the stations
  • operators request for command sequences, where many routes in different stations are set
  • automatically, when a condition is triggered which orders a well-defined route, or a sequence of routes for a given train etc.